The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards 2026

The Industry's Most Prestigious Cross-Industry Awards Program. Showcasing the most outstanding Business Transformation & OpEx Achievements.

Register FAQs Contact Venue


What is required in the application process? 

The following fields requirement completion to successfully complete an award application. 

  • Name of Person Submitting This Entry
  • Email of Person Submitting This Entry
  • Name of the company you are nominating
  • Name of Person at the Nominated Company
  • Email of Person at the Nominated Company
  • Please enter a 250-word synopsis of the entry which may be used in Awards publicity material (this is in addition to the entry). *
  • Entry Title
  • Upload The Main Entry Document
  • Upload Supporting Materials (Optional)
  • 50-Word Summary of The Entry For Published Materials
  • Team member(s) name(s) involved in the project
  • Nominating Company website address
  • Submitting Company website address
  • Upload a high resolution version of the nominating company logo
  • Media Embed

Is the awards entry fee refundable ?

Under no circumstance do we provide refunds for award submissions, therefore please be sure that participation in the BTOES Awards application process is appropriate, of relevance and aligns with your project scope and industry.

Is attendance to the Awards Night a requirement for entry?  

Shortlisted organizations are required to attend the Awards Ceremony, therefore, please only submit your application if you are able to attend the awards – if you are concerned about your ability to attend, please contact

If you are a finalist at the Awards evening, do you receive access to the entire BTOES Summit event? 

Attendance to the Pre-Summit Workshop days and BTOES Main Summit Conference is not provided to Awards Finalists. Although the BTOES Awards evening coincides with the BTOES Summit they are seperate events and require seperate admission tickets. To find out more about admission to the BTOES Summit and Pre-Summit Workshop days head to this link. 

Does the project have to be completed in order to qualify for consideration in the awards? 

No, the project does not need to be fully completed in order to apply. Projects should primarily pertain to the three year period preceding the current date, though they need not have started or concluded within this timeframe. For example for the 2024 BTOES awards the inclusion period is 2021-2024. 

Can I edit my application or does it need to be fully submitted at one time?

You can edit your application, through your personal application portal, as many times as desired up until the Awards Submission Deadline. 

Can I change the category in which I originally selected upon registering? 

If you need to change the category that has been applied for please email for assistance. Note: category changes can only be made up until the Awards Submission Deadline.  

Can we submit one entry in multiple Awards Categories?

You are more than welcome to submit one entry in multiple categories, provided they are directly applicable to the category entered – generic entries being submitted to multiple categories to maximize the chance of winning will be dismissed. 

If my organization were to apply for multiple awards, would we need to pay multiple entry fees?

Fees are applied per application – each entry is independent, and entries are charged as such.

Are award finalists required to submit a poster? 

No, as of BTOES 2024 awards finalists are not requird to submit a poster for their entry, however, we do welcome them to do so if desired. 

Do you post the synoposis of award finalist projects and winner's projects to the public?

We have a strict confidentiality policy with regards to awards submissions, understanding that businesses do not necessarily want the outcomes of their projects shared with the general public. Therefore, we do not share the synopsis or project scopes externally, however we do want to showcase the hard work of our finalists and therefore have a 50 word summary section as part of the application process. If your entry is shortlisted, we will feature this 50-word summary in our Awards 'Book Of The Night'. This book is presented to attendees at the awards ceremony and shared with over 1.8 million BTOES Insights subscribers post-ceremony. This summary is the award applicant's chance to succinctly highlight the essence of their project to a broad audience.

Do you do a press release to announce the Awards Finalists prior to the event? 

The announcement of our 2024 BTOES Awards Finalists will take place via a public press release on Tuesday the 12th of March 2024. 

Can a vendor implementing business transformation on behalf of a client submit an award application?

Yes, vendors, consulting firms or PR departments can submit awards applications on behalf of clients.