The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards 2026

The Industry's Most Prestigious Cross-Industry Awards Program. Showcasing the most outstanding Business Transformation & OpEx Achievements.


Celebrating Outstanding Organizational Achievements


The Awards Program Highlights Video

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards were established to showcase globally the most outstanding Business Transformation & Operational Excellence achievements.  

The focus of this elite awards program is to demonstrate to the global business community the real results organizations achieve through the successful implementation of Digital Transformation & Operational Excellence.

The Awards will be held in conjunction with the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit.

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards are open to all organizations, both private and public sector, across the globe, which have implemented Digital Transformation or Operational Excellence programs to deliver outstanding business results.

About The Awards

The Awards will be held in conjunction with the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit.

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit proudly hosts the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards. These prestigious awards celebrate and showcase global the most outstanding achievements in Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, AI, and Operational Excellence.

Our focus is on recognizing organizations that demonstrate tangible results through successful implementation in these key areas. We welcome entries from all organizations, both in the private and public sectors worldwide, that have undertaken impactful programs in Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, AI, and Operational Excellence.

Eligibility for the awards is broad, with no restrictions based on the scale of the projects. Each submission will be evaluated based on the effectiveness of the program implementation and its alignment with the organization’s strategic goals.

Participants are encouraged to submit entries across multiple categories if relevant, and there is no limit to the number of submissions per category.

This is an unparalleled opportunity to gain global recognition for the exceptional work you and your team contribute to your organization.

Please take the time to review the entry guidelines for this elite awards program and discover how you can showcase your projects on this global platform.



Pedigree of the Awards Program

Launched in 2006 as The Global Six Sigma Awards, this program quickly rose to prominence in the industry. Initially part of the Global Lean Six Sigma and Business Improvement Summit, its prestige stems not only from its scale but also its rigorous two-step scoring and judging process, commitment to avoiding conflicts of interest, and stringent confidentiality agreements for judges, elements that continue to define the awards today.

Under BTOES's stewardship, the awards have evolved to embrace the broader realms of Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, AI, and Operational Excellence. Moving beyond the focus on Lean Six Sigma and incremental operational improvements, the program now encompasses strategy execution, value creation, enhancing customer experiences, and pioneering business transformation for the future.



There are 19 Project Awards Categories

  • Best Achievement in Cultural Transformation & Sustainability to deliver a high performing Enterprise Excellence culture.

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Business Transformation

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation

  • Best Operational Excellence Program for Discovering, Nurturing and Fortifying Talent Management

  • Best Operational Excellence in Achieving Supply Chain Sustainability of Operations

  • Best Operational Excellence in Achieving Supply Chain Risk & Resiliency / Risk Management

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver an outstanding Value Creation or Innovation Execution project

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver an outstanding Customer Experience Excellence

  • Best Achievement in deployment of AI in the Enterprise

  • Best Achievement in deployment of AI in the Public Sector

  • Best Achievement in Process Automation (RPA, Low Code, Intelligent Automation, Hyper Automation, Machine Learning, Cognitive Learning, Blockchain etc)

  • Best Achievement in an Enterprise Architecture program

  • Best Achievement in a Process Mining program

  • Best Achievement in a Business Process Management Program

  • Best Achievement in an IT Infrastructure & Cloud Program

  • Most Outstanding Digital Workplace Transformation Program

  • Most Outstanding IOT Program

  • Best Achievement in Web 3.0 project

  • Best Achievement in a Metaverse project

The Platinum Award

The Platinum Award: A Prestigious Recognition at the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards

The Platinum Award is a special honor that cannot be directly entered for. It is awarded to the most exceptional project among all categories, a decision made by our panel of judges.

Selection Process:

  • Judges' Choice: The Platinum Award is determined by the judges, who select it from the most outstanding entries across all categories.
  • Criteria for Selection: The award is conferred upon the entry that, in the judges' opinion, represents the pinnacle of business achievement from all submissions.
  • Nomination Process: After selecting category winners, the judges nominate one or two projects they consider the best overall.
  • Final Decision: These nominations are then discussed in depth. Judges vote on these top projects to decide the recipient of the Platinum Award.


Award Ceremony Highlight: The Platinum Award is the climax of the awards ceremony. It generates a palpable anticipation as all category winners are potential recipients of this ultimate accolade.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The following Award cannot be entered for. The winner will be selected by our panel of judges.

The BTOES Summit Highlights Video

The best moments of the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit & Industry Awards, the largest-scale leadership level event in Operational Excellence!

This event defines the ecosystem and is where the industry leaders gather to create the future. 

It brings together the best and brightest individuals & organizations from across key sectors to engage, network, benchmark and discuss the key challenges and future trends within Operational Excellence, Lean, Six Sigma and Agile and its application & impact on Business Transformation, Innovation Execution, Agility, Customer Experience, Value Creation, Strategy and the very important challenges surrounding Leadership & Cultural Transformation. 

BTOES Keynotes have included: The White House Office of the President, Amazon, Disney, Google, Facebook, Ikea, Goodyear, Siemens, Nokia, Verizon, General Motors, Intel, Johnson Controls, GE, Lego, AstraZeneca,  MassMutual, Wells Fargo, Morningstar and many more...

The Judging Panel

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards are being judged by an independent panel of esteemed experts in Operational Excellence.

The panel will be led by a Chairman of the Judges, who is a leading and highly regarded expert in Operational Excellence.

To be a member of the judging panel, Judges need to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Hold a leadership level position or equivalent within their organization.
  • Their organization is considered as one of the leading Operational Excellence deployers in their sector. Accessed by our Advisory Board and our research findings.
  • They were willing to sign and comply with strict codes of confidentiality.


If you are interested in being considered as a member of the judging panel, please click here to apply.

Judging Rules of Conduct

Judging will be undertaken by an independent panel of judges appointed by The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards who will be bound by a confidentiality agreement that bans them from externally discussing information from entries.

We operate a strict non-conflict judging code to avoid industry sector conflict.  A judge working in the financial services sector may not judge categories, which have entries from organizations in the financial services sector.

Hence, any judge who has a potential conflict of interest with an entry will not be allowed to judge that entry. 

Sponsoring organizations will not be allowed to get involved with or have access to the judging process at shortlisting or in winner’s selections. They will only be aware of information in the public domain. 

Is Your Team / Organization a Potential Winner? Apply Now

  • Did your organisation achieve outstanding business results through the use of Operational Excellence?

  • Did your teams execute an Operational Excellence project that delivered outstanding business results?

  • Does your organization want to received recognition globally amongst your peers for your outstanding results achieve through the application of Operational Excellence projects.


If you and your team achieved something amazing, you should apply and get the industry recognition your deserve. 




Benefits of WINNING

Industry Recognition

Demonstrate to the global business community - and your CEOs -  the real results you and your team achieved through the successful implementation of Operational Excellence projects & programs. 

Positioning your organization as best in class AND committed to outstanding Operational Excellence achievement.

Being shortlisted or an award winner will gain your global recognition with extended exposure thought out the entire year. 

Our special award winners logo can be placed on your website and marketing materials to inform your stakeholders of your commitment to Operational Excellence.

Attract the best industry talent.

The best industry talent is attracted to the best-in-class organizations. Award winners experience an influx of applications from other progressive executives.

Being in line for that coveted promotion you were seeking

Being shortlisted or an award winner will help you gain that extra recognition and visibility with your leadership team.


By demonstrating the outstanding business results achieved through your deployment of Operational Excellence, you can expect to achieve greater funding from your leaders, shareholders and board.

New Business

Proof of outstanding business processes and driving continuous improvement to every corner of your business, and achieving Operational Excellence, will open doors to new business and new contracts.

Our 350,000 global subscriber base of executives around the world will hear about your achievements. 

Awards Testimonials

"It was an honor for Avis Budget Group to win Best Organizational Achievement in Lean Enterprise Improvement  in the first year of our Lean Six Sigma deployment. The award process was thorough and it gave Avis Budget Group a tremendous platform to demonstrate the success our young Performance Excellence deployment has achieved. The $40 million of verifiable hard-dollar savings ABG’s Performance Excellence team was able to achieve in its first year was a key deliverable of the company’s annual strategic plan."

Vice President Performance Excellence Deployment Leader, Avis Budget Group

"It has been an honor to accept the award for Best Achievement of Organizational Business Improvement in Healthcare this year.  The award has allowed SSFHS to increase the credibility of its Lean Six Sigma Program within its own system and in the communities it serves.  The award shows our customers and competitors that we are committed to excel and progressing steadily as we improve the quality of care for our patients."

Regional CEO, Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Inc. – Northern Indiana Region

"We are extremely excited to have received this recognition for Best Emerging Business Improvement. I believe this terrific award recognizes that customers can depend on our ability to live our mission statement every day with on time delivery, lowest industry turn times, customer service of exceptional value, service and products of the highest quality.  Also, I'd like to compliment the organizers for their excellent recognition program."

President and Chief Executive Officer of PAS Technologies

"I was very pleased to accept the award of Best Project Achievement in Business Enabling Processes on Delphi's behalf. It was especially gratifying to receive external validation from a diverse and global audience that included contingents from some of our key customers and competitors."

Global Director of Customer Satisfaction, Delphi Gas Engine Management Systems

"It was an exceptional moment when we first learned BMO Financial Group was the recipient of three Global Six Sigma and Business Improvement Awards. Theses awards are truly attributable to all the hard work and dedication of our employees across North America. Lean Six Sigma has enabled BMO Product Operations to significantly improve our customer service and organizational cost management in today's challenging economic environment. We are determined to intensify our commitment to Lean Six Sigma business improvements as we continue to deliver great customer experiences."

P. Eng, MBA, Deployment Leader and Master Black Belt, BMO Financial Group

"Capital One has received multiple awards through our participation in the  Global Six Sigma Award Program, including most recently the 2008 Platinum Award for Process Excellence Project and the Best Project Achievement in Innovation or Product Development. This prestigious external recognition is a great confirmation of the exceptional business results delivered by our associates."

Sr. Vice President, Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Capital One Bank

Award Entry Posters

View a selection of Award Finalist Poster Presentations from previous awards program.  

Please click here

2019 Awards Photos

2018 Award Photos

The Global State of Operational Excellence: Critical Challenges & Future Trends.
130 pages of the most comprehensive study of critical challenges and future trends within Operational Excellence.