The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards 2026

The Industry's Most Prestigious Cross-Industry Awards Program. Showcasing the most outstanding Business Transformation & OpEx Achievements.

How to Enter the Project Awards

Celebrating Outstanding Organizational Achievements


About the Awards

********** AWARDS REGISTRATION EXTENSION TO FEB 10, 2024 ***********

The Awards will be held in conjunction with the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit.

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit proudly hosts the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards. These prestigious awards celebrate and showcase global the most outstanding achievements in Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, AI, and Operational Excellence.

Our focus is on recognizing organizations that demonstrate tangible results through successful implementation in these key areas. We welcome entries from all organizations, both in the private and public sectors worldwide, that have undertaken impactful programs in Business Transformation, Digital Transformation, AI, and Operational Excellence.

Eligibility for the awards is broad, with no restrictions based on the scale of the projects. Each submission will be evaluated based on the effectiveness of the program implementation and its alignment with the organization’s strategic goals.

Participants are encouraged to submit entries across multiple categories if relevant, and there is no limit to the number of submissions per category.

This is an unparalleled opportunity to gain global recognition for the exceptional work you and your team contribute to your organization.

Please take the time to review the entry guidelines for this elite awards program and discover how you can showcase your projects on this global platform.


Registration involves a fee for each category you plan to enter. After registering, you can submit your Main Entry Document for each entry. You have the flexibility to edit and refine your submissions until the final deadline of 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on February the 10th, 2024.

Participants can submit entries across multiple categories if relevant, and there is no limit to the number of submissions per category.

Key Dates

February 10, 2024 – Awards Entries Close

March 12, 2024 – Awards Shortlist Announced

May 9, 2024 – Awards Ceremony & Winners Announced

Entry Fee

Each entry incurs a fee of $295.

Upon paying the registration fee, you are confirming your intent to submit entries in the selected categories. Following registration, you may proceed to submit your Main Entry Document. You have the opportunity to edit and fine-tune your submissions until the final deadline of 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on February the 10th, 2024.

We eagerly anticipate your participation in the awards.

For any additional support or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us at

The Awards Program Highlights Video

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards were established to showcase globally the most outstanding Business Transformation & Operational Excellence achievements.  

The focus of this elite awards program is to demonstrate to the global business community the real results organizations achieve through the successful implementation of Digital Transformation & Operational Excellence.

The Awards will be held in conjunction with the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence World Summit.

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards are open to all organizations, both private and public sector, across the globe, which have implemented Digital Transformation or Operational Excellence programs to deliver outstanding business results.

There are 19 Project Awards Categories

  • Best Achievement in Cultural Transformation & Sustainability to deliver a high performing Enterprise Excellence culture.

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Business Transformation

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation

  • Best Operational Excellence Program for Discovering, Nurturing and Fortifying Talent Management

  • Best Operational Excellence in Achieving Supply Chain Sustainability of Operations

  • Best Operational Excellence in Achieving Supply Chain Risk & Resiliency / Risk Management

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver an outstanding Value Creation or Innovation Execution project

  • Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver an outstanding Customer Experience Excellence

  • Best Achievement in deployment of AI in the Enterprise

  • Best Achievement in deployment of AI in the Public Sector

  • Best Achievement in Process Automation (RPA, Low Code, Intelligent Automation, Hyper Automation, Machine Learning, Cognitive Learning, Blockchain etc)

  • Best Achievement in an Enterprise Architecture program

  • Best Achievement in a Process Mining program

  • Best Achievement in a Business Process Management Program

  • Best Achievement in an IT Infrastructure & Cloud Program

  • Most Outstanding Digital Workplace Transformation Program

  • Most Outstanding IOT Program

  • Best Achievement in Web 3.0 project

  • Best Achievement in a Metaverse project

BTOES Awards 2024 Categories Summary

Best Achievement in Cultural Transformation & Sustainability to deliver a high performing Enterprise Excellence culture.

  • Recognizes transformational change in organizational culture towards sustainability and enterprise excellence.

  • Focuses on lasting cultural shifts that drive high performance.

Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Business Transformation.

  • Honors significant achievements in utilizing operational excellence for comprehensive business transformation.

  • Emphasizes process improvements that lead to major business shifts.

Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver Digital Transformation.

  • Awards efforts in applying operational excellence principles to achieve digital transformation.

  • Highlights the integration of digital technologies in business processes.

Best Operational Excellence Program for Discovering, Nurturing and Fortifying Talent Management.

  • Acknowledges programs that excellently identify, develop, and strengthen talent management.

  • Focuses on human resource development as a part of operational excellence.

Best Operational Excellence in Achieving Supply Chain Sustainability of Operations.

  • Recognizes excellence in creating sustainable supply chain operations.

  • Prioritizes environmental and social sustainability within supply chains.

Best Operational Excellence in Achieving Supply Chain Risk & Resiliency / Risk Management.

  • Awards efforts in enhancing supply chain resilience and effective risk management.

  • Focuses on strategies that mitigate risks and enhance supply chain robustness.

Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver an outstanding Value Creation or Innovation Execution project.

  • Honors projects that significantly create value or execute innovation through operational excellence.

  • Emphasizes innovative thinking and value addition in operations.

Best Achievement in Operational Excellence to deliver an outstanding Customer Experience Excellence.

  • Recognizes achievements in leveraging operational excellence to enhance customer experience.

  • Focuses on improving customer interactions and satisfaction through operational strategies.

Best Achievement in deployment of AI in the Enterprise.

  • Awards successful implementation and integration of AI technologies in enterprise settings.

  • Highlights innovative uses of AI to solve enterprise challenges.

Best Achievement in deployment of AI in the Public Sector.

  • Acknowledges the effective use of AI technologies within public sector organizations.

  • Emphasizes AI's role in enhancing public services and operations.

Best Achievement in Process Automation (RPA, Low Code, Intelligent Automation, Hyper Automation, Machine Learning, Cognitive Learning, Blockchain etc).

  • Recognizes exceptional use of process automation technologies like RPA, machine learning, and blockchain.

  • Focuses on innovative automation solutions that optimize business processes.

Best Achievement in an Enterprise Architecture program.

  • Awards achievements in developing and implementing comprehensive enterprise architecture programs.

  • Highlights the role of structured enterprise architecture in organizational success.

Best Achievement in a Process Mining program.

  • Recognizes excellence in implementing process mining to uncover insights and improve processes.

  • Focuses on data-driven process optimization.

Best Achievement in a Business Process Management Program.

  • Honors outstanding business process management initiatives that drive efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Emphasizes systematic and strategic management of business processes.

Best Achievement in an IT Infrastructure & Cloud Program.

  • Awards significant achievements in IT infrastructure and cloud computing advancements.

  • Focuses on innovative and effective use of cloud technologies.

Most Outstanding Digital Workplace Transformation Program.

  • Recognizes the most effective transformation of work environments through digital technologies.

  • Emphasizes innovation and impact in creating digital-first workplaces.

Most Outstanding IOT Program.

  • Honors the most impactful implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) in business operations.

  • Focuses on IoT-driven innovation and operational improvements.

Best Achievement in Web 3.0 project.

  • Awards cutting-edge projects that utilize Web 3.0 technologies for business enhancement.

  • Focuses on the innovative application of decentralized web technologies.

Best Achievement in a Metaverse project.

  • Recognizes groundbreaking projects in the realm of the Metaverse.

  • Highlights innovation and creativity in virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences.

How To Submit Your Entry

Guidelines for Project Category Entries

Each entry submitted to the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards should represent a single project.

Entry Document Requirements:

  • Document Length: The document should not exceed four pages of A4 size. This brevity ensures relevance and focuses on the essentials, as judges prefer succinct presentations over lengthy descriptions.
  • Synopsis: Begin your document with a concise 250-word synopsis. This serves as an overview for the judges, highlighting the key aspects and significant results of your project.
  • Content: Outline the strategic objectives, scope, implementation process, and timeline of your project. Highlight the challenge, innovative approaches used, and any organizational development.
  • Impact and Results: Describe the project's impact, including customer benefits and value generation. Present business results in percentage terms (or raw data where appropriate), emphasizing both financial outcomes and strategic relevance.


Submission Process:

  • Complete the online entry form with detailed information about your project.
  • Multiple entries per category are welcome, and the same project can be entered into multiple relevant categories.
  • Projects should primarily pertain to the period 2021-2024, though they need not have started or concluded within this timeframe.


Special Feature for Shortlisted Entries:

  • If your entry is shortlisted, we will feature a 50-word summary of it in the Awards Book Of The Night, alongside other finalists. This book is presented to attendees at the awards ceremony and shared with over 1.8 million BTOES Insights subscribers post-ceremony.
  • Please provide a 50-word summary for each of your entries as part of your application. This summary will be your chance to succinctly highlight the essence of your project to a broad audience.


Focus Areas for Judging:

  • Ensure that your document covers all the required information, which will form the basis for scoring by the judges. Emphasize the link between your project and the organization's strategic goals.


The judges will consider the following criteria when grading all entries:

  1. Strategic Relevance: how does the project fit in with the organization’s strategic objectives
  2. Value Generation: how significant to the organization was the value generated from the  project
  3. Customer Benefit: the beneficial impact of the project results on customers
  4. Implementation: the quality of the implementation process
  5. Leadership Engagement: the level of senior management involvement and
  6. Organizational Learning: how did the organization develop as a result of the project.  
  7. Creative Use of Tools: how innovative was the project deployment


Scoring Criteria:

  1. Strategic Relevance

    • 1-3: Minimal role in organizational strategy.

    • 4-6: Moderate role in organizational strategy.

    • 7-10: Central role in organizational strategy.

  2. Value Generation

    • 1-3: Limited impact.

    • 4-6: Notable impact.

    • 7-10: Exceptional impact.

  3. Customer Benefit

    • 1-3: Limited evidence of benefit.

    • 4-6: Moderate evidence of benefit.

    • 7-10: Clear, significant benefit.

  4. Implementation

    • 1-3: Basic implementation.

    • 4-6: Competent implementation.

    • 7-10: Exemplary implementation.

  5. Organizational Learning

    • 1-3: Minimal development.

    • 4-6: Moderate development.

    • 7-10: Significant development.

  6. Creative Use of Tools

    • 1-3: Limited innovation.

    • 4-6: Moderate innovation.

    • 7-10: High level of innovation.


We look forward to receiving entries that reflect the innovation and excellence in your projects. For submissions or further assistance, please contact us at


Supporting Materials

Entrants may supply supporting materials to provide further insight. These materials must be no longer than two pages of A4. Typically they may include examples of internal documentation, organograms, internal and expert reports.

Entries do not need to have supporting materials, but if you do include them do cross reference them within your main entry document so that the judges are actively encouraged to read them.

We used to allow more pagination for supporting materials but the judges found that generally there was too much material supplied that was not directly pertinent to the entry and thus were less than enthusiastic about reading through it.

Support documents can be supplied in confidence, please mark this on the supporting document, and they will be destroyed after view. 

Best Practises for your Main Entry Document

Guidelines for the Main Entry Document

Your submission should start with a 250-word synopsis and be confined to four pages of A4. This document is your central pitch, encapsulating all key aspects of your project.

  1. 250-Word Synopsis: This is an overview for the judges, providing a snapshot of your entry and guiding them through the significant outcomes.

  2. Document Length and Focus: Limit your document to four pages to maintain relevance and clarity. Judges prefer concise, fact-based entries over lengthy narratives.

  3. Attention to Detail: Adhere closely to the guidelines relevant to your category to avoid missing crucial points. Even small details can impact your entry's scoring.

  4. Effective Writing: Seek assistance from skilled writers, such as your Communications Department, for a polished and engaging entry. Well-written submissions often make a stronger impact.

  5. Consider Your Audience: Treat your document like a 10-minute pitch. Captivate the judges initially, and they will be more inclined to consider your entry favorably.

  6. Conciseness is Key: Avoid filling space with irrelevant content. An entry that is direct and to the point is often more successful.

  7. Results-Focused: Highlight key results such as cost reductions, sales growth, or productivity improvements. Use clear charts and factual data for a compelling presentation.

  8. External Review: Have your entry reviewed by someone outside your team to ensure clarity and objectivity. This helps in making your document accessible to external judges.

  9. Clear Structure: Organize your document logically with clear and informative visuals. A well-structured, easy-to-read entry will stand out in a field of numerous applications.

Remember, your entry is not just a formality; it's an opportunity to showcase your project's impact and innovation. Make every word count!

Enhancing Your Entry: Practical Tips

While some of these suggestions may seem straightforward, their importance cannot be overstated:

  • Thoroughly Review Guidelines: Ensure your entry adheres closely to the guidelines, covering all necessary information to avoid losing points.

  • Understand Category Requirements: Each category has specific requirements. Familiarize yourself with them to ensure your entry aligns perfectly.

  • Choose Your Best Work: Select achievements that best represent your strengths and success.

  • Adhere to Material Limits: Do not exceed the set page limits (e.g., 4 pages for the Main Entry Document) to avoid disqualification.

  • Conciseness and Relevance: Keep your entry focused and pertinent. Resist the urge to fill space with unnecessary content. Remember, brevity can be more impactful.

  • Professional Writing Assistance: Engage with your Communications Department for a well-crafted entry. Judges appreciate entries that are clear, engaging, and professionally written.

  • Objective Feedback: Get an unbiased review of your entry from colleagues outside your team to ensure it resonates with an external audience.

  • Treat It as a Pitch: Consider your entry as a 10-minute pitch to the judges. Captivating them quickly can lead to more thorough consideration and higher scores.

  • Highlight Results: Emphasize key achievements and outcomes such as cost reductions, sales growth, or productivity improvements. Facts and data speak louder than descriptions.

  • Proofreading: Have someone outside your immediate team review your entry for clarity and objectivity.

  • Correct Category Selection: Make sure your entry is submitted in the most appropriate category for a better chance of success.

  • Cross-Reference Supporting Materials: Link any charts, graphs, or reports from your supporting materials directly to your main entry.

  • Avoid Basic Errors: Pay attention to spelling and grammar to maintain professionalism.

  • Follow the Rules: Adhering to the rules is crucial. Attempts to circumvent them can lead to disqualification and diminish your credibility.


By incorporating these tips, your entry can stand out for its clarity, coherence, and focus on key achievements.

Common Pitfalls We See In Entries to Avoid.

  • Very poor presentation of the facts.
  • Too much irrelevant material.
  • Links that do not lead to the right information.
  • Blinded by too much data and not enough narrative.
  • Not concise, relevant and to the point.
  • No mention of the customer benefit?
  • Too long – they broke the rules.
  • Did not select the best materials to submit.

The Platinum Award

The Platinum Award: A Prestigious Recognition at the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards

The Platinum Award is a special honor that cannot be directly entered for. It is awarded to the most exceptional project among all categories, a decision made by our panel of judges.

Selection Process:

  • Judges' Choice: The Platinum Award is determined by the judges, who select it from the most outstanding entries across all categories.
  • Criteria for Selection: The award is conferred upon the entry that, in the judges' opinion, represents the pinnacle of business achievement from all submissions.
  • Nomination Process: After selecting category winners, the judges nominate one or two projects they consider the best overall.
  • Final Decision: These nominations are then discussed in depth. Judges vote on these top projects to decide the recipient of the Platinum Award.


Award Ceremony Highlight: The Platinum Award is the climax of the awards ceremony. It generates a palpable anticipation as all category winners are potential recipients of this ultimate accolade.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The following Award cannot be entered for. The winner will be selected by our panel of judges.

The Judging Panel

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards are being judged by an independent panel of esteemed experts in Operational Excellence.

The panel will be led by a Chairman of the Judges, who is a leading and highly regarded expert in Operational Excellence.

To be a member of the judging panel, Judges need to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Hold a leadership level position or equivalent within their organization.
  • Their organization is considered as one of the leading Operational Excellence deployers in their sector. Accessed by our Advisory Board and our research findings.
  • They were willing to sign and comply with strict codes of confidentiality.


If you are interested in being considered as a member of the judging panel, please click here to apply.

Judging Rules of Conduct

Judging will be undertaken by an independent panel of judges appointed by The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards who will be bound by a confidentiality agreement that bans them from externally discussing information from entries.

We operate a strict non-conflict judging code to avoid industry sector conflict.  A judge working in the financial services sector may not judge categories, which have entries from organizations in the financial services sector.

Hence, any judge who has a potential conflict of interest with an entry will not be allowed to judge that entry. 

Sponsoring organizations will not be allowed to get involved with or have access to the judging process at shortlisting or in winner’s selections. They will only be aware of information in the public domain. 

Terms & Conditions

The Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Awards Terms & Conditions


  • Absolute Confidentiality Commitment: We guarantee that details from award winners, shortlisted entries, or supporting materials will not be published or disclosed. Your submission's confidentiality is paramount.

  • Secure Submission Process: Entries are treated with utmost confidentiality and securely destroyed post-evaluation.

  • Award Ceremony Participation: Finalists are required to attend the Awards Ceremony on May 9th, 2024, and the Award Winners Panel on May 10th, 2024. Confidentiality will be maintained; no confidential data will be required for disclosure during the panel.

  • Marketing Consent: Finalists and winners consent to their organization's name being used in marketing for the awards, either directly by us or by third-party media covering the event.

  • Poster Board Presentation: Finalists have the option to create a Poster Board (dimensions: 40" x 40") in an infographic style to showcase their project or program while complying within their own confidentiality guidelines. Although this is not mandatory, it significantly enhances visibility within the industry and generates interest in both the participant and their project.

  • Eligibility Criteria: Open to all organizations that meet the specified project and operational criteria. Specific sector exclusions or requirements will be clearly communicated.

  • Entry Submission Deadlines: All entries must be submitted by the specified deadline. Late submissions or extensions are subject to approval.

  • Judging Criteria and Process: Entries will be judged based on predefined criteria, outlined in the entry guidelines.

  • Amendments to Entries: Amendments to submissions post-deadline are not permitted, except under exceptional circumstances.

  • Withdrawal of Entries: Entries can be withdrawn under specific conditions. Details for withdrawal are available upon request. Entry fees are non-refundable, irrespective of the timing or reason for withdrawal. 

  • Disqualification Policy: Entries not complying with guidelines or involved in ethical breaches will be disqualified.

  • Intellectual Property Rights: All intellectual property in submissions remains with the entrant, but submission grants us permission to use materials for award-related purposes.

  • Use of Entrant Information: Information provided by entrants will be used solely for award administration and not shared beyond the necessary scope.

  • Liability and Indemnification: Participants agree to indemnify the awards program from claims arising from their entries. The program's liability in connection with the awards is limited as per applicable laws.

  • Changes to Terms & Conditions: We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions. Participants will be notified of any significant changes.

  • Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where the awards program is based.

  • Contact Information: For queries related to these terms, please contact 


By submitting and paying for your application, you acknowledge that you have reviewed these Terms & Conditions and agree to be bound by them. You also confirm that all information in your entry is accurate.

Is Your Team / Organization a Potential Winner? Apply Now

  • Did your organisation achieve outstanding business results through the use of Operational Excellence?

  • Did your teams execute an Operational Excellence project that delivered outstanding business results?

  • Does your organization want to received recognition globally amongst your peers for your outstanding results achieve through the application of Operational Excellence projects.


If you and your team achieved something amazing, you should apply and get the industry recognition your deserve. 




Benefits of WINNING

Industry Recognition

Demonstrate to the global business community - and your CEOs -  the real results you and your team achieved through the successful implementation of Operational Excellence projects & programs. 

Positioning your organization as best in class AND committed to outstanding Operational Excellence achievement.

Being shortlisted or an award winner will gain your global recognition with extended exposure thought out the entire year. 

Our special award winners logo can be placed on your website and marketing materials to inform your stakeholders of your commitment to Operational Excellence.

Attract the best industry talent.

The best industry talent is attracted to the best-in-class organizations. Award winners experience an influx of applications from other progressive executives.

Being in line for that coveted promotion you were seeking

Being shortlisted or an award winner will help you gain that extra recognition and visibility with your leadership team.


By demonstrating the outstanding business results achieved through your deployment of Operational Excellence, you can expect to achieve greater funding from your leaders, shareholders and board.

New Business

Proof of outstanding business processes and driving continuous improvement to every corner of your business, and achieving Operational Excellence, will open doors to new business and new contracts.

Our 350,000 global subscriber base of executives around the world will hear about your achievements. 

Award Entry Posters

View a selection of Award Finalist Poster Presentations from previous awards program.  

Please click here